Cultural Diversity in Peril – Can Cultural Policies make a Difference?
(Kulturelle Vielfalt in Gefahr – Was kann Kulturpolitik erreichen?)
Danielle Cliche
Bonn / ARCult Media 2009
Background, potentials and limits of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Hintergrund, Potenziale und Grenzen der UNESCO-Konvention zur Vielfalt kultureller Ausdrucksformen (in englischer Sprache)
The publication is SOLD OUT!
ISBN 978-3-930395-84-3, 215 Seiten/pages, € 40.00

Creative Europe
On Governance and Management of Artistic Creativity in Europe
An ERICarts Report to the Network of European Foundations (NEF); Bonn / ARCult Media 2002
Prepared by Danielle Cliche, Ritva Mitchell and Andreas Wiesand (ERICarts Institute) in co-operation with Ilka Heiskanen (FinnEkvit) and Luca Dal Pozzolo (Fondazione Fitzcarraldo), in collaboration with a team of experts from all parts of Europe, this book has been acclaimed as a ground-breaking tool for new approaches towards area-based and trans-national cultural policy making.
ISBN 3-930395-59-2, 335 p., € 25.00

Culture and Human Rights
The Wroclaw Commentaries
Die Stadt Wroclaw (Breslau) hatte, im Rahmen des Programms der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt Wroclaw 2016, Prof. Dr. Andreas Joh. Wiesand und sein Team bei ARCult Media um die Vorbereitung eines Handwörterbuchs mit dem o.g. Titel gebeten, zu dem Fachleute aus zahlreichen Ländern beitragen sollten. Dieses Handbuch, das erste seiner Art weltweit, ist jetzt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verlag de Gruyter, Berlin publiziert worden. In 130 Artikeln umfasst es relevante Rechtsfragen und wichtige politische Konsequenzen zum Thema Menschenrechte und Kultur (im weiteren Sinne), darunter: Kunst- und Meinungsfreiheit; das Recht auf Teilhabe an Kultur, an alten und neuen Medien sowie am Kulturerbe; Fragen religiöser und sprachlicher Rechte; der Schutz kultureller Minderheiten; Sicherung kultureller Vielfalt und weitere Aspekte.
In the context of the programme for Wroclaw - European Capital of Culture 2016, the City of Wroclaw asked Prof Dr. Andreas Joh. Wiesand and his team from ARCult Media to prepare, together with experts from many different countries, a basic handbook with the above title. This concise dictionary, the first of its kind, has now been published in cooperation with the international publishing house de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston. In 130 articles, it covers relevant legal questions as well as political consequences related to human rights and culture in the wider sense, including: freedom of, and access to, the arts, (old/new) media and heritage; questions of religious and language rights; the protection of minorities; safeguarding cultural diversity; and other issues.
ISBN 978-3-11-044050-8, 360 Seiten/pages, Hardcover, € 99.95

Locating Women as Film and Book Publishing Professionals in Europe
ERICarts Report in partnership with FinnEkvit (Helsinki), MEDIACULT (Vienna), Observatorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisbon) and Zentrum für Kulturforschung (Bonn). Bonn / ARCult Media 2005.
Culture-Biz is the third publication in a series investigating the status of women working in the cultural labour market in Europe (the 2nd one, "Culture-Gates", is out of print). Through its empirical analyses and comparative assessments, Culture-Biz brings about transparency on the position of women working in two main fields of the creative industries at a time when the European Union is setting up a European Gender Institute to gather, analyse and disseminate comparative information and data to be used by policy makers, experts and stakeholders on gender equality in the European labour market.
ISBN 3-930395-70-3, 395 pages, € 25.00

Handbook of Cultural Affairs in Europe
Europäisches Kulturhandbuch
Andreas Joh. Wiesand, Zentrum für Kulturforschung / ERICArts (Ed.), 3rd Edition, english/multilingual, Baden-Baden / Nomos 2000 - out of print, a limited number of copies still available via ARCult Media! / Vergriffen, nur noch über ARCult Media erhältlich!
The authoritative directory with addresses and abstracts, covering European institutions and national authorities / organisations in the different fields of the arts, media and heritage, the latter also in original languages.
Das umfassende Nachschlagewerk mit Anschriften und Kurzinformationen zur Kulturpolitik europäischer Institutionen sowie Länderbeiträgen mit den zuständigen Behörden und Fachorganisationen aus allen Sparten des Kultur- und Medienbereichs, letztere auch in den Landessprachen.
ISBN 3-7890-6697-4, 846 p., hard cover, € 89.00 € 39.00

Pyramid or Pillars
Unveiling the Status of Women in Arts and Media Professions in Europe
An ERICarts / ZfKf Report to the European CommissionDanielle Cliche, Ritva Mitchell and Andreas Joh. Wiesand (eds.), Bonn / ARCult Media 2000 (also available in French language!)
This empirical study presents results of a three year European research project, based on the findings of specialists from all corners of Europe. For the first time, the (sometimes underestimated) representation of women in cultural labour markets, their (inadequate) presence in decision-making positions in culture and media institutions, the degree to which they receive public recognition for their work and other key questions regarding training and professional development are unveiled.
ISBN 3-930395-36-3, 328 p., € 20.00